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#DBHangOps 02/05/15 -- MySQL Event Scheduler, InnoDB IO Capacity, and more!

Hello everybody!

Join in #DBHangOps this Thursday, February, 5, 2015 at 11:00am pacific (18:00 GMT), to participate in the discussion about:

  • Managing Multiple instance of MySQL
  • MySQL Event Scheduler
    • What use cases do you have?
  • What is everyone's understanding of innodb_io_capacity?
  • Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2015
    • What are you excited about?

You can check out the event page at https://plus.google.com/events/c50qple2vajgq6ltrutk1s3cfss on Thursday to participate.

As always, you can still watch the #DBHangOps twitter search, the @DBHangOps twitter feed, or this blog post to get a link for the google hangout on Thursday!

See all of you on Thursday!

You can catch a livestream at:

Show Notes

Managing Multiple MySQL Instances

  • Why?
    • pre-sharded environments for future proofing can share common hardware until they grow out of it
    • allows better utilization of expensive resources. E.g.:
  • How?
    • init scripts
      • use mysqld_multi
      • setup multiple sepearate init scripts
    • make sure data directories are all different, etc.
  • Better to use virtualization than using multiple instances?
    • If you're worried about the hypervisor, you can look at containerization (e.g. Docker)
  • single instnace is preferred because you have better control of the configuration and memory allocation


  • What's it used for?
    • (Jeremy) Last I checked, it's a value used to influence how frequently the innodb engine can flush
    • (Daniel) the old setting used to be 100. When they made it a configurable, the default was 200.
  • What is actulaly is!
    • https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/innodb-parameters.html#sysvar_innodb_io_capacity_max
    • Flushing's not a bad description. InnoDB tries to do a lot of stuff in the background automatically.
    • When you make a modification, it's done in memory and logged in the log file. Now you have "debt" that you need to get persisted.
    • It's a throttling number to help influence how many IOs innodb can do in the background
      • insert buffer page merges
      • deleting marked records
    • 200 is still the default since it became configurable
    • For good hard drives, they can usually do 200 IOPS so this is reasonable unless you have more IO available (e.g. RAID, SSD, etc.)
    • if it's too high, you do background activity too quick
    • if it's too low, log files accumulate too much debt and adaptive flushing may kick in to protect the durability of log data until the
    • How do you know if you've fallen out of the sweet spot?
    • If you start hitting adaptive flushing, it means you need either a larger log file or to tweak your innodb_io_capacity
    • How do folks determine what to set this to in practice?
    • Sysbench to figure out how much work can be done
      • Rough idea based on today's hardware:
        • 15k drives in RAID10 -- 1600 - 2000 IOPS
        • some SSD drives 20k-60k IOPS
      • Set innodb_io_capacity to ~80% of max IOPS
      • You probably need to drive a sysbench benchmark from a different machine so you don't rob it from the server

MySQL Event Scheduler

  • How can it be used?
    • Anything you can do in a stored procedure can be done in an event
    • Any variables you change will probably only last on the session level
    • Doing anything that's purely database is probably good to keep in events because then you can "backup" the maintenance work too (e.g. partition maintenance)
  • Do you currently use it? If so, what for?
    • Flushing query_cache periodically.
    • For some datasets in partitioned tables, the scheduler could be used to drop the oldest partition automatically
    • Setup a daily, weekly, and monthly event that would validate the partitions and correct them
    • This worked regardless of the operating system (so you don't need to do a crontab).
    • Use to make Pseudo GTIDs to support orchestrator for MySQL 5.5.
  • Any Gotchas or problems?
    • Need to remember to dump/restore it and have definer properly defined
    • You can't easily fire an e-mail/alert from events.
    • You can define a UDF to support firing e-mails
    • You could create a table to log the output from stored procedures and such

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