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#DBHangOps 09/04/14 -- R-Tree Indexes, DBAs and Networking, and more!

All set for this week. Check out the recording below:

Hello everybody!

Join in #DBHangOps this Thursday, September, 04, 2014 at 11:00am pacific (18:00 GMT), to participate in the discussion about:

  • R-Tree index overview from Matt Lord
  • Index Fragmentation (requested by Shlomi)
  • What should a DBA know about networking?

Be sure to check out the #DBHangOps twitter search, the @DBHangOps twitter feed, or this blog post to get a link for the google hangout on Thursday!

See all of you on Thursday!

Show notes

Index Fragmentation

  • How do you handle index fragmentation? Should it handled at all?
    • Normally if you insert in PK order, the index won't fragment too much and page splits inside of innodb is pretty well spread (leaving the 1/16th empty space in a page)
  • What about inserting on secondary key order? This can sometimes cause "weird" growth in innodb pages
  • Percona (and MySQL 5.6) has the innodb_index_stats and fast index creation abilities which helps keeping this under control
  • InnoDB has some interesting semantics around its page management. It will make decisions to split and/or merge pages
    • Facebook has dedicated some engineering resources into the page merging work
    • In InnoDB, pages are typically split into 2 even halves when a page fills up. Merges are done typically when 2 adjacent pages are less then half full and can be merged to a more full page
  • How does the performance of MySQL change when a page size is 4k vs. 16k?
    • The 15/16 fill rule is obviously very different base on page size
  • Fragmentation can also happen inside of secondary indexes. With "fast index creation", keys may not be inserted in order and could consume more disk space
    • Insert data in batch and then applying indexes afterwards will give you better index
  • http://www.markleith.co.uk/2009/01/19/innodb-table-and-tablespace-monitors/
    • Native InnoDB Data Dictionary will hopefully replace the need for using tablespace monitors
  • Facebook did a good talk on this too: https://www.percona.com/live/mysql-conference-2014/sites/default/files/slides/defragmentation.pdf
  • Jeremy Cole's innodb ruby tools have been supremely helpful in viewing usage of space
  • Future thinking:
    • InnoDB File per table isn't necessary the panacea for all problems (
    • MySQL 5.7 brings in the ability to break up the ibdata file some more so you can have an UNDO tablespace, a TEMPORARY tablespace, etc.

What should a DBA know about networking?

  • tcpdump is the ultimate tool that a DBA should learn
    • understanding the basics of TCP flags and handshakes is very important for troubleshooting work that goes in and out of a server
    • In a world of flash and SSDs, it's possible you might start seeing your network IO getting backed up
      • This could manifest as query pile up and high %IOWait utilization on your server (but not high disk IO)
  • ngrep -- amazing tool for watching mysql traffic and snipping traffic on the fly
    • You can use this to observe client-side database timeouts that don't necessarily make it into any mysql server logs
  • iftop -- gives you 'top'-like view for network interfaces
  • atop -- gives you a 'top'-like view and shows network utilization per ethernet device in addition
  • "sar -n" allows you to see network and dropped packets on a server
  • How can a DBA start to learn more of this stuff?
  • Anything to change in mysql?
    • backlog (and TCP backlog on your linux server) -- this is something you may want to tune if you have a high volume of connections coming into the server
      • failing to increase the backlog will cause clients to hit timeout errors or see slow connections
    • net_buffer_length -- If you're normally doing large queries or result sets (e.g. multi insert queries) this can help mysql pre-allocate more memory to send down the network pipe
      • Most web shops typically won't need to tune this, but it may help based on your workload (e.g. a data warehous)!